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It's Good to Talk - A Practical Guide to Career Conversations in the Workplace

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"It's Good to Talk - A Practical Guide to Career Conversations in the Workplace"

Talented employees want to know where they stand in the organisation now and their possibilities for the future.

They want direction on what and where they need to develop, and they seek feedback and support in their efforts. If they are able to have honest, open, two-way conversations, they will feel more engaged by their work and more committed to the organisation. In short, they want a career conversation.

The big questions are these:

  • How can you have engaging career conversations that empower employees? 
  • How can you provide them with the information and support they need?

That’s what this guide is designed to answer. This guide will outline the structure and tools to help you have meaningful career conversations in 20 minutes without any complex process or paperwork. Dive in now!

Offered Free by: Antoinette Oglethorpe Ltd.
See All Resources from: Antoinette Oglethorpe Ltd.

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