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Quiz - Unhappy at Work? Here's Why

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"Quiz - Unhappy at Work? Here's Why"

Know you're unhappy at work, but can't quite put your finger on why? 

When you're unhappy at work, it can consume your entire life, making it hard to even understand what the problem is. Sometimes, you're so in it that you can't see the forest for the trees and identify what you need to change, let alone build an action plan.

That's where Career Contessa comes in. They broke down the most common causes of unhappiness at work and created a simple quiz to help you figure out where you might fall. The best part? Career Contessa mined their extensive archive of articles, interviews, videos, worksheets, and courses to create customized solutions (or at least starting points) for each potential pain point. 

The intention of this quiz is to give you a lifeline, a starting point, or even just that sigh of relief that comes from knowing that you're not alone.

Offered Free by: Career Contessa
See All Resources from: Career Contessa

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