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A success story of applying AI and IoT enabled remote services for retail store operations

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"A success story of applying AI and IoT enabled remote services for retail store operations"

A case of transforming store operations across over 1,800 stores of an American discount department retailer and improving occupant comfort while reducing their energy and maintenance costs.

An American retailer launched an AI and IoT driven service across their store network to standardize the way their stores manage energy and implement HVAC and lighting controls-based savings strategies. In addition to energy and maintenance cost reductions, the retailer gets unprecedented visibility into store energy operations leading to an increase in overall compliance levels.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic brought in added complexity, but the retailer was able to apply the same technologies to close and reopen stores at very short notice and tackle other challenges.

Read the case study to find out more.

Offered Free by: EcoEnergy Insights
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