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Designing Employee Recognition Programs for Success

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"Designing Employee Recognition Programs for Success"

Create winning employee engagement and recognition programs.

With the majority of all U.S. businesses (84%) now using non-cash awards and the majority of top performing businesses (those with the highest revenue growth, customer satisfaction, and employee satisfaction) saying their executives support their non-cash recognition and reward programs as a competitive advantage, the eminent need to understand how to create effective programs becomes clear.

This begs the question: What patterns exist in program design among effective non-cash incentive programs? To this end, The Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) analyzed several years of relevant research to identify noteworthy design elements for effective non-cash recognition and reward programs. 

This white paper is brought to you by IRF Research Advocacy Partner MotivAction, a global performance improvement company and leader in events, sales and channel incentives, employee engagement and recognition.

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