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How to Create a Smarter, Faster Lending Process

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"How to Create a Smarter, Faster Lending Process"

Learn why most lenders continue to underserve the largest loan market in the United States.

Over the last several years, marketplace lenders have popped up to fill this significant gap between small business borrowers and access to credit. They typically offer fast approval turn-around – delivering requested funds in hours or days vs. weeks. 

What does this mean for your customers and how you most effectively do business with them? Download the eBook to learn how traditional lenders who embrace a technology solution to streamline the lending process experience higher customer retention and better ROA. You'll also learn:

  • Why it's important to appeal to millennials now, before they are ready to apply for a small business loan
  • What borrowers expect out of a loan application process
  • Why moving your lending process online helps combat marketplace lenders

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