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[CPG Case Study] Automated Data Ingestion to Enable Real-Time Insights

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"[CPG Case Study] Automated Data Ingestion to Enable Real-Time Insights"

Automation of reports, faster time to insights, cost savings.

A leading CPG company collected and leveraged data from various retailers and e-commerce sites to obtain the latest sales trends in near real-time across different geographies. Sigmoid created a Data Lake to capture and automate diverse data from different retailers and stored it on Google BigQuery, enabling faster reporting and insights into sales and forecasting trends.


The Client

The client is a leading American CPG operating in multiple categories including household, and personal care products. Their products are stocked by all leading retailers both online and in brick-and-mortar stores.

Business Challenges
As the company was trying to have real-time access to sales trends, they faced the following challenges:

• Lack of customer-level data from multiple retailers.
• Data pipelines were monolithic and teams across geographies were downloading the data manually before exporting it to BigQuery to observe the trends.
• Several missing data elements for events like holidays and weekends.
• Availability of data to a chosen few members of the organization, making it difficult for the people on the ground to understand how their business was performing.
• Manual report generation process that made the whole process of generating insights slow. It typically took a week’s time to access specific data from the retailers.

To know how Sigmoid solved customer's business problems, solution architecture using GCP and the business impact please download the case study. 


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